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100 Things About Me

Here’s a list of 100 random things about me.

1. I was born in Philadelphia…

2….but I grew up in the San Francisco Bay area. I’m an East Bay girl.

3. Before we moved to California we lived in Taiwan for two years.

4. When I was in college I became friends with a guy that I coincidentally went to nursery school with in Taiwan. We didn’t know each other then.

5. In Taiwan I apparently learned to speak Mandarin. Unfortunately, I only remember a few words.

6. I went to Catholic school for 12 years (1st grade through high school).

7. When I graduated from high school I barely knew how to dress without wearing a uniform.

8. I still wear a version of a uniform now—jeans, T-shirts, boots.

9. At the height of MC Hammer’s fame, I lived about a mile away from him.

10. When I was about 10 or 11, I went to the roller rink every Saturday, where I took roller dancing lessons.

11. Of course, I had a pink satin jacket to wear to the rink.

12. My first concert was Pat Benatar when I was in 8th grade. My parents took me and two friends. My dad fell asleep.

13. I had braces from 8th grade until my sophomore year of high school.

14. I had a perm too.

15. Obviously, I was not popular.

16. My first car was a 1980 Mercury Bobcat.

17. My second car was 1987 Ford Escort GT. The GT part was very important.

18. I learned to drive a stick driving that car off the dealership lot. My dad said, “If you can buy it, you’d better figure out how to drive it.” And he left. it was 9:00 p.m.

19. It took me two hours to drive the two miles home.

20. I was adopted.

21. I have a brother who’s 8 years older than me.

22. I was a bratty younger sister, always trying to get him in trouble.

23. I am a Virgo.

24. My birthday is in August before we went back to school, and I always felt robbed because I didn’t have birthday parties in class.

25. I am uptight…

26. …but I don’t want to be.

27. When I was in high school a boy I had a crush on told me I had perfect child-bearing hips. I don’t think it was a compliment.

28. I have been obsessed with the size of my hips, thighs and ass since high school.

29. I have never tested the child-bearing hips theory.

30. This is really hard. I can’t believe I have to come up with 70 more things.

31. I have always sucked at math…

32. …but I can totally diagram a sentence.

33. I took piano lessons for 8 years and barely remember how to play.

34. I want to relearn.

35. I sing very badly.

36. I used to be able to dance but for some reason I’m too self-conscious now.

37. I wear a size 5 shoe.

38. I can fit into a size 3 kids shoe.

39. I am 4’11”.

40. I will be 40 this year.

41. I think turning 40 is going to suck.

42. I love 80s hair bands.

43. I love 80s new wave music.

44. I love old-school rap.

45. I totally root for Britney Spears to do well.

46. I am addicted to shoes.

47. I just donated 7 pairs to Goodwill and it almost killed me.

48. I am also addicted to handbags—Coach, Michael Kors, Cynthia Rowley…

49. My favorite vodka is Belvedere.

50. In college I split a pint of Jim Beam with a friend.

51. I have never had Jim Beam since.

52. One time I got so drunk in college that I passed out, woke up and started crying, “Please! Don’t let me die like John Bonham.”

53. I love red wine but it makes me congested.

54. My husband is 54.

55. My husband is 15 years older than I am.

56. I met my husband in Taco Bell. In Hollywood.

57. I only gave him my number because he knew someone I knew well.

58. I blew him off for about four months and he finally stopped calling.

59. I called him and asked why he didn’t call anymore.

60. Our first date wasn’t a date. We were just going to go out as “friends.”

61. We will be married 10 years this year.

62. I have three stepsons.

63 I am a grandmother.

64. I will be a grandmother again this year.

65. I will have two grand kids before I’m 40. Sounds kind of white trash, doesn’t it?

66. I wouldn’t rule out plastic surgery…

67. …or Botox. (Because I’m a grandparent,  you know.)

68. I can’t believe you’re still reading.

69.”Fuck” (and all of its forms) is my most favoritest word in the whole world.

70. I sprinkle the word “Fuck” into my conversations pretty liberally.

71. My mom hates when I say “Fuck.”

72. I am not a morning person.

73. I drink at least two cups of coffee a day.

74. I have a cup of Tetley black tea every morning when I’m getting ready.

75. I used to drink a 6-pack of Mountain Dew a day in college. (This is before I discovered coffee.)

76. I was also, um, not skinny in college.

77. I used to get migraines daily in college.

78. Oddly, the migraines almost went away and the weight dropped off when I quit the Dew.

79. I hate coconut. Unless it’s in a pina colada mix.

80. I love cheesecake. Nothing fancy. Just good old-fashioned New York–style cheesecake. Maybe some whipped cream.

81. My favorite food group is French Fries. Not a food group? It should be.

82. I love McDonald’s french French Fries. They are the perfect blend of soft but crunchy, salty but no overly so.

83. I almost dropped out of college. I wasn’t focused.

84. When I made up my mind to stay and graduate I had 21 units (7 classes) three semesters in a row. Plus summer school.

85. I got my first job was when I was 14. I cleaned a beauty shop.

86. I worked for Safeway for 4 years. I bagged groceries for two, I worked in the deli for one and then I worked in the main office doing accounting. This is funny to me (see #31).

87. I graduated from high shool in 1987.

88. I like to travel, but I hate the traveling part. I just want to beam myself there.

89. I am painfully shy…

90. …but I have learned to fake it over the years.

91. I make snap judgments about people (and most of the time I’m right).

92. I hate to apologize. It’s hard for me to say I’m sorry.

93. That drives my husband nuts.

94. I am not great with money…

95. …but I want to be.

96. I find myself getting more conservative as I get older.

97. And I hate that.

98. I used to want to be a rock star — even though I can’t sing (#35) and I don’t really play an instrument anymore (#33).

99. I am a procrastinator.

100. I love to sleep.

9 Responses

  1. I love your list. Inspires me to do one of my own. It made me smile reading it, because you were so honest…and I don’t know if I can be that straight forward. Love that you love the word FUCK…my other half also loves it.

  2. Thank you Percy! Believe me when I say I’m not nearly as straightforward as I’d like to be sometimes! But it’s fun and, of course, gives me the opportunity to swear like a sailor!

    • Just recently found your blog through Jen Lancaster. I love it!

      The word fuck is great – noun, verb, adverb, adjective.
      Fuck you, you fucking fuck. I know it is from a movie but cannot remember but probably with Robert DeNiro.

      • Hi Jules,

        I don’t know why this comment got lost in my admin/spam panel. I just saw this. Must be all the Fucking Swearing you did! I hope you are still here! I’m glad you found me!

  3. My husband, Bill, is 15 years older that I am, too! His kids are close in age to my son, so we don’t have grandchildren yet. And we’d BETTER NOT any time soon.

    I didn’t grow up in the Bay Area, but my parents lived in Benicia for 15 years and I went to Benicia High School.

    Try having a birthday two days before Christmas…, but turning 40 didn’t suck. I did it 4 years ago (which means my Bill is almost 60 – yikes!)

    I hate coconut, too. I won’t even drink pina colada. And I DID drop out of college, but I went back. And back. And then back again.

  4. ditto to 15, 25, 26, 46, 48, 67, 68, 72, 80, 83 and 89-100. and now you knwo 22 things about me

  5. 23 – you also know (got it right that time, ha!) that I am a bad typist

  6. Mo this is great – you’re an inspiration -Shy my ass!

  7. From the back, you are the spitting image of my daughter-in-law. My grandma had a samoyed, gorgeous dogs. Love this list of 100 things. Thanks for sharing. 🙂 (wandering off to see what else is on this blog I stumbled upon)

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