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Random Tuesday Thoughts: The, Well, Random Edition


Do you know the scene in Broadcast News where Jane Craig (Holly Hunter’s character) unplugs the phone and holes herself up in her office to have a good cry on a regular basis? I do that sometimes. Mostly because I’m wound tightly, but lately because I’m sort of coming unglued.

My job has been rough and I don’t know what to do. There have been issues with my salary, and it’s been brutal, but on top of that I have a boss who doesn’t think twice about being rude to me simply because I’m the person standing in front of him (and sometimes just because). Yes, I can be sensitive, but I can also hold my own. I give as good as I get, but after a while it gets old.

I know I’m at a crossroads with this situation. I’m tired of feeling scared (for my job), I’m tired of feeling angry (for putting up with certain situations) and I’m sick of going home and crying in the bath tub, trying to hide it from my husband so he doesn’t know just how shitty this is. I’m not a victim and I’m tired of behaving like one.

And really? All this crying isn’t good for my face. Puffy eyes are not a good look on me.


I guess I'll cool my heels

I guess I'll cool my heels

Then again, this was my horoscope this weekend.


I keep trying to write a series of posts about the new fall TV season, but I can’t seem to find the time because I’m glued to the tube. It’s so insane, that both Tivos are maxed out with shows.

On Sunday it’s Mad Men and Brothers & Sisters (I’m a few weeks behind on Mad Men and need to catch up). Mondays and Tuesdays are all about Dancing With the Stars. Tuesdays also have my new favorite show Modern Family. And if you aren’t watching it, you should. And that’s all I’m going to say about that. Except you should watch Modern Family. I’ve also been recording Cougar Town with Courtney Cox but I haven’t had time to watch those episodes yet. I can’t think of what’s on Wednesday night, but Thursdays are jam-packed with The Real Housewives of Atlanta and Grey’s Anatomy. But because Gracie’s agility class is from 8-9 Thursday nights, I don’t usually get to watch Thursday’s stuff until Saturday. This fall, Ugly Betty will be on Friday nights, and I also record a show on Animal Planet called Jockeys.

I’m a huge fan of Lost and a few people told me that Fastforward is just as good, if not better, than Lost. Somehow I doubt it, but I’ll check it out. I missed the first episode so I’m going to have to track that down on iTunes, but I’ve been recording the series, hoping to catch up.

This list doesn’t even include shows like Toddlers & Tiaras (yes, I admit it. I watch. Sue me.), L.A. Ink and I still record West Wing, which is still the best-written show on TV.

And yet I wonder why I haven’t had time to write more often…


I’ve just discovered Nutella. I don’t know where this has been all my life, but now that I’ve found it, my life is complete.


The chocolatey, hazlenutty goodness is heaven in a jar.


For more random, go see Keely. She’ll serve some up, hopefully with a side of Nutella.

3 Responses

  1. You need to get away from that work place I think. That doesn’t, and hasn’t sounded good for a while now. Puffy eyes are definitely not a good look for anyone over 5.

  2. Dude. Puffy eyes or not, you always do the “pretty” cry. I cry and my entire face swells up and gets as red as a tomato. You cry and you get all glowy and dewy and flushed and manage to look pretty while doing so. It’s very annoying. *wink*

    But DWTS? I do not get it. I tuned in last night to see the Christian Slater show on after it and caught the last three minutes or so. It’s a painful train wreck. Awkward and sad. EEK.

  3. Snark! It’s Martini time in Kentucky I hope! Work can’t possibly define us any more than a decent manicure. I’m ready to soak in a glass with you when you are!

    Oh…Nutella in a crepe…just sayin’…

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