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Bedazzled by Bejeweled Blitz

If you’re on Facebook you know that there are a gazillion quizzes, groups and games and lists. Every day I get requests to “Pass Drinks,” join groups and look at photos. I also get requests to play games (Facebook used to have an awesome online version of Scrabble. Until they got sued. It was the whole reason I signed up to begin with). I usually pass on the games requests. But for some reason, when my friend Lori sent me a request to play Bejeweled Blitz, I hit okay.

More addictive than crack

More addictive than crack

And now I’m addicted.

Every free moment I had yesterday was spent on Facebook trying to figure out the damn game, and once I did I became über competitive. Facebook shows you the scores of all your friends who are addicted who play, so you know how you stack up. And I suck. My high score is 30,500. One of my friends has a high score of 135,800. Lori’s is 84,400.

Basically, it’s a board of “jewels” (glittery diamonds, sapphires, rubys and other gemstones) and you have to match three or more of them to clear them off. The more you match, the more points you get. Occasionally, one of the jewels will sparkle and that means if you match that, you get extra points. Then there’s the blazing diamond! If you see that, you have to click as many diamonds as you can in a until you can’t connect any more. That’s where the real points come in. And all of this has to happen in a minute.

And then it’s over.

Until the next time.

I know. It sounds stupid. Even harmless. But between phone calls, between meetings, whenever I had 2 minutes I’d hit “Play Again?” over and over and over. I was so consumed yesterday that I logged onto The Daily Snark long enough to make a few comments. I didn’t even get through my daily reading list of blogs. And—horror of all horrors—I didn’t even Tweet. Which was probably a good thing. Because I’ve clearly lost my mind.

Truth be told, while writing this crap that I’m passing off as a legitimate post, I interrupted myself to go over and play a few (or 10) times.

Please tell me I’m not the only one. Maybe we can form a survior’s group? Or a support group?

I need help.

27 Responses

  1. I signed up for Facebook for Scrabble too. Now, I hate to say it, I need to go and look up this addicting game up just mentioned. 🙂

    I don’t now if there is a support group. Personally I think support groups are highly overrated. I tried to start on on Twitter, you know an I Tweet too much group, but then I was on Twitter even more than I already had been.

    I say keep playing.

  2. I have been addicted to Bejeweled, too. I used to play it on Yahoo games.

  3. Oh yes. I’ve had the Bejeweled dream more than once. I got my husband addicted to it, too. So, there we’d be – in the same house – both playing Bejeweled on different computers.

    It was a sad, sad day.

  4. I have Bejeweled on my iPhone. Cracked. Out. on it before Bill finally told me I had to eat and bathe and remember I had kids and stuff.

  5. Awesome. Another work avoidance tool or “WAT” as I’ve come to call them. I have an acronym for everything. I like acronyms (or ILA.)

    My ex wife (or BITCH) used to play all the time.

  6. Oh, crap. Facebook was already trying to take over my life. It already beat up my MySpace page, and is trying to do the same to my blog. Twitter is still new enough (to me) to compete fairly well.

    I’ll do my best to avoid Bejeweled, since the memory of what happened when I became addicted to Tetris is still burned into my memory. Tetris is actually the only thing I remember from that period of my life… Thanks for the warning!

  7. You can still play versions of Scrabble on Facebook. The suit thing has been cleared up. Look for Lexulous (http://apps.facebook.com/lexulous/) or Wordscraper (http://apps.facebook.com/wordscraper/).

    And damn you for pointing me towards Bedazzled Blitz. I’m already addicted to the desktop version I have. 😉

    • I signed up for FB so I could play Scramble with my friend, then I found Scrabble and added that. Haven’t had any issues with it at all….?? Got addicted to and bored with WordTwist within a few weeks, too.

      Ditto on that “all my friends have outrageous scores” thing!!! I’ve only played it on a laptop — you know, for hours at a time, of course — so maybe that’s why I’m not getting past 43K? Makes my whole body ache. I’ll have to try playing it on the regular computer (for about 72 hrs) to see if I can improve. Unfortunately, there’s no TV near that so I won’t be able to “watch” the ball game while I’m Bejewelin!

  8. I got caught up in that game one time too. Dang it is addictive! Big time! You just keep wanting to do better and better and better and….suddenly it’s the next day and you realize you never slept and…well, it’s not good. 🙂

    • I know! Time flies when you’re a cracked-out Bejeweled addict. Next thing you know, you haven’t showered in 48 hours, or brushed your teeth, or even slept. I’m not sure how I’m going to pull myself together for work tomorrow.

  9. I play it on my iPhone too. Only the last five minutes while waiting in the car before the school bell rings. Unless I need a nap. Playing on a tiny screen, for more than five minutes, induces a nice little doze. Don’t know why it hypes you up Mo, maybe if you had to play it off a handheld computer it would knock you out instead. (But is that what the martini is for?)

    • On my 20-inch computer monitor, it’s pretty awesome! Maybe I should just limit myself to my laptop because I found out this weekend that it’s not as much fun on there.

      But there’s still the competition factor—it’s driving me nuts that some of my friends have these insanely high scores. And I can’t get anywhere near there!

  10. Hilarious…I play on the iphone as well too!

  11. Great another thing I will need a 12 step program for!! I am going for it!!

  12. I also signed up for Facebook because of Scrabble and then they cancelled it about a week after. So then I found WordTwist and was totally hooked on that for a few weeks. Then it got boring. Now I almost never play. The same thing will happen to you. Don’t worry

  13. Then there’s the blazing diamond! If you see that, you have to click as many diamonds as you can in a until you can’t connect any more. That’s where the real points come in. And all of this has to happen in a minute.

    What does that mean? The blazing diamond (if I understand what you are talking about) will blow up every gem of whatever color you swap it with. Am I missing something?

    • The blazing diamond happens when you get five in a row. When you get that, you then have to click on one of the gems immediately next to. Every other similar gem on the board sorts of blazes with it and you get tons of points.

      For instance, if you get five blue gems in a row, one becomes the blazing diamond. If there’s a red gem next to the blazing diamond, you can click on that, and all the other red gems are selected and they sort of dissolve off the board. You get tons of points for that.

      • Ok – yes that is how it works. I was confused by the line “you have to click as many diamonds as you can in a until you can’t connect anymore”. Esentially I swap the blazing gem with whatever color surrounding it that I want. Then it eliminates that color from the board. You don’t have to do it right away. If I have a 2x, 3x etc piece sitting out there I will try to get that first so I get more points for the blazing one when I swap it.

  14. I think it’s the sound that hooked me. I love getting that guy all ramped up!

  15. […] I Should Totally Take Credit for Crashing Bejeweled Blitz Posted on June 17, 2009 by Mo …because every person I know now has signed up for Facebook because of this post! […]

  16. […] Search is endlessly fascinating to me. I get about 15 hits a day based on this post about Bejeweled Blitz. Apparently, I’m not the only one with a wicked addiction to this game. I also seem to get a […]

  17. […] Posted on October 12, 2009 by Mo I’ve chronicled my passionate love for Bejeweled Blitz here a couple of times. If I have a few minutes to kill at work, or just need to zone out and clear […]

  18. bejeweled is da best…best office time killer game …

  19. […] Search is endlessly fascinating to me. I get about 15 hits a day based on this post about Bejeweled Blitz. Apparently, I’m not the only one with a wicked addiction to this game. I also seem to get a […]

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