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Wordless Wednesday

Gratuitous dog photo

We should all be this happy

Friday Fill-Ins #97

I’ve got nothing today (I’m so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. Thank god it’s Friday), but I found this on Debra’s site (http://reflecting.wordpress.com/) this morning. (Ugh. Can’t get the code to work today. I suck.)

1. My blueprint for success includes keeping my head down, doing my job and staying out of trouble.
2. 52 mini Kit Kat bars was the last candy I ate.
3. The best facial moisturizer I’ve ever used is Clinique SuperDefense with SPF 25.
4. A hot bubble bath can be good therapy.
5. I’d like to tell you about all kinds of things, but it’s probably not a good idea.
6. ________ is my strongest characteristic. Yeah, I’m going to leave that one blank. I couldn’t even begin to tell you. Maybe someone could let me know!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to having dinner and martinis (notice the plural) with Lesley, tomorrow my plans include doing nothing and Sunday, I want to continue doing nothing!